Learning On The Go 

Whether you’re preparing food, cleaning the house, or riding the bus, chances are much of that time is already being filled with absorbing podcasts, news, audiobooks, etc. In the digital age, it’s easier than ever to pick up a new skill or learn a new language right from the convenience of your mobile device (and without breaking the bank)!



You can find many applications that are either free or cost very little money in comparison to a decade ago. Take language learning for example. Throughout the 90s and early 2000s, Rosetta Stone used to be the main player in the market. Even though it has come a long way since its software was sold in big yellow boxes of CD-ROMS, the company still trails behind the industry’s current star - Duolingo. Yes, Rosetta Stone might be more up to date with how their software is sold, the price, however, is still a little higher than most people would like to pay.

Duolingo came on the seen in 2011 and ever since has become a household name. The application offers a free and fun way of learning another language through easily digestible sessions. The developers also boast that 34 hours in the app is equal to a full semester in school. 



When in doubt, Youtube it. From learning how to french braid to mastering front-end code, there’s pretty much a video for everything under the sun. The free video provider’s immense content library means that they have an answer for any question imaginable, but you might have to pill through several sources before finding what you need. 

Another free tool that lets you learn on the go is StudyBlue. StudyBlue is the largest crowdsourced study library, with over 400 million flashcards, notes and study guides from students all around the case. The platform, which is used by over 15 million students, allows users to make and share study materials, search for recommended study content from classmates, track progress, set reminders, and create custom quizzes. The study app lets students take advantage of their extra time on the bus or conveniently brush up on study topics after dinner without having to take out their textbooks and course material.



Conceptualizing Classroom Concepts 

Through playing business simulation games, Processim Labs lets students put classroom concepts into practice. Logistics heavy classes will benefit from their operations management game in which players run their own virtual company right from their smartphones. They also offer a macroeconomic game which lets students run their own countries and measure success from a social progress level as well as GDP. Each game creates a dynamic environment that lends room for student collaboration and skill building.

On The Job Training 

Companies like Deloitte have gamified their on-boarding process. New employees form teams with other newcomers and learn about privacy, compliance, ethics and procedures online. Cisco is another corporate bigwig that has adopted employee learning simulations into their company culture. The company’s many games offer opportunities for all departments throughout the organization to grow and strengthen their skills. 

Looking to learn more about education technology? Visit us at Processim Labs for more info.

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